Coffee to drink or paint ?- Coffee painting

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40 Responses

  1. If someday you run out of coffee powder and have guests at home you can use this as a life-saver ..

    Jokes apart Ranjana you sense of creativity is stupendous …. love it …

  2. Indrani says:

    Beautiful art work. I see my daughter too trying out this. I will show her your work, it will inspire her.

  3. motidana says:

    Wow ……..! A coffee painting ? Lovely . Especially for cofee addicts like me ! Thanks for this lovely post .

  4. magiceye says:

    Wow! This is lovely!!

  5. Rajesh says:

    Beautiful and very much creative.

  6. Awesome Ranjana!

  7. Dr Sonia S V says:

    WOW this is one stunning piece of art
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts School Projects

  8. wow nice idea Ranjana… would you mind sharing the tutorial with us.

  9. Athenas Take says:

    Count me in for the tutorial.

  10. Preeti says:

    That's great!! Something new. Thanks for sharing!!

  11. Mira says:

    The light and dark shades of brown with the 3d gold outliner decoration work wow wow wow! good one Ranjana

  12. Benella Cox says:

    Woh…, beautiful art

  13. ajeethboaz says:

    Simply amazing, very creative…

  14. Panchali says:

    Wow…that's so innovative!! This looks fantastic. As it is, I am very fond of browns…! Great job,Ranjana. (y)

  15. I am amazed with the paintings and the fact that it uses only coffee powder and water…Creative I must say..

  16. Wow! This is really neat. I have never seen this before.

  17. Coffee is a wonder !
    so is your painting

  18. Reni says:

    Simply amazing !

  19. rohini says:

    this is really pretty..I too have made quite a few coffee paintings,but I'm not sure abt hw to frame it..could u plz tell me how u have framed it?also have u used any paint varnish over it to protect it?

  20. rohini says:

    This is really pretty…I too have done quite a few coffee paintings but I'm nt sure abt hw to frame it..could u plz tell me hw u got it framed?also have u used any paint varnish over d painting ?

  21. Aww Struck says:

    Beautiful art work. Can not believe a coffee powder can be used like it. Lovely !!!

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