Customized card making

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10 Responses

  1. Dr Sonia S V says:

    The aperture idea is so cool!
    Dr Sonia

  2. Indrani says:

    So so creative! You are amazingly talented Ranjana!
    And the card is so rich with meaning.

  3. Rajesh says:

    Very innovative and beautiful cards.

  4. Paresh Kale says:

    Creative and cute !

  5. D.Nambiar says:

    Such a sweet gesture. And that door is so cute.
    Look at that torana and all! Nice, Ranjana. 🙂

  6. That card is TOO cute! and that's a lovely reason for a celebration.

  7. rupam sarma says:

    So Beautiful , Thanks for sharing

  8. Geetha Rao says:

    Lovely card… Ranjana… What a lovely idea…thumbs up…

  9. Sri Kri says:

    So cute and creative.

    "Door crossing ceremony" first time we are hearing about the ceremony.

    "You are coming out of the house first time crossing thr door.Let your path be filled with flowers wherever you go"—-Lovely and excellent concept Ranjana.

    Sriram & Krithiga

  10. Simone says:

    That is a lovely message in your card Ranjana. I have never heard of the door crossing tradition. It is a wonderful thing to celebrate!

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