Exhibition in School-This time model of houses

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11 Responses

  1. Nyc work! I remember I made a chart showing all the different types of houses when I was in Class 2 with my mom's help. Your son is lucky to have a talented crafter like you as his mom. Great job! And all the best! 🙂

    Do chk my blog if you are free at http://antarik.blogspot.com

  2. Thanks , Antarik.
    I will definitely read your blog.

  3. Dr Sonia S V says:

    WOW Fantastic work– I am so glad you shared this! I find very few Indian "mom" bloggers sharing school projects– yours is fantastic.
    So sad your son couldnt show off his project in front of peers and parents
    Have become your follower.
    Cheers from Bangalore

  4. Thanks, Dr.Sonia. Yes, he could not this time.

  5. anandhirajan says:

    what a collection of houses splendid work

  6. Wow Ranjana…..Great work. Loving your blog.

  7. Emreen says:

    Beautiful work Ranjana…!! Love the igloo ( reminds me of the one we made for a school project) and the house boat… !! Also love the evolution theme… very explanative !!

  8. Ami Bavishi says:

    Hi….very nice and creative work…but hw u made the land???

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