Gombe Habba Part 2- The Gombe habba I visited- continued

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8 Responses

  1. Athenas Take says:

    This is one festival in which you go from one house to another and all you see is such beautiful dolls, arranged, maintained and looked after with utmost love and dedication, nice post.

  2. Rajesh says:

    Beautiful. Very neatly arranged.

  3. Yes Sharda's smile is really cute and soothing.Very nice colorful pics Ranjana.Thanks.

  4. sibi says:

    Wonderful capture Ranjana. May be you should write also about the historical-cultural context of these idols as you are expert in designing artifacts

  5. so many and colorful ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. SUGANTHI says:

    The dolls look divine indeed. it is rare to find such well made dolls today. Well preserved and very artistically arranged . Even the garlands around the dolls look so perfect.

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