Gombe habba with different themes- Festivals

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8 Responses

  1. motidana says:

    Lovely depiction of different festivals in India . The arrangement and the theme of this Gombe habba is beautiful .

  2. Rajesh says:

    Beautifully arranged.

  3. Beautiful presentation.

  4. sibi says:

    Excellent Ranjana. Add a few more lines on the significance of each theme for the benefit of people who are not so familiar. Good work.

  5. D.Nambiar says:

    The Dasara procession ensemble — I love it!!
    Nice collection, Ranjana.

  6. Indrani says:

    Wow! Nicely presented. 🙂
    Hope you had grand celebrations 🙂

  7. vinisha shah says:


  8. AmitAag says:

    Wow! So beautiful!

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