Introducing an Artist- Mrinal

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7 Responses

  1. ViswanathV says:

    Excellent work. Mrinal you are great.

    Thanks Ranjana for sharing this beautiful work with us.

  2. Yes, Vishwanath, He is a great artist….

  3. Mrinal says:

    Thanks a lot ma'am. Thanks for posting it to your blog. It will always be a pleasure to me to upload some more sketches of mine. And off course your arts are amazing and lots of appreciation for maintaining such an amazing blog. Thanks again ma'am i will be pleased to upload my upcoming sketches in your blog.

  4. Thanks Mrinal, Definitely we will upload sketches in this blog…and please give some of your sketches to me also 🙂 and also if possible I would love to learn it from you…

  5. anandhirajan says:

    Congrats on showcasing a great artist work.May your tribe increase

  6. Gina E. says:

    WOW indeed! I like to sketch in pencils, but drawing with a ballpoint pen I would find very difficult. These are stunning. We have a lady near where I live who does fabulous pictures using ballpoint pen; her work costs over A$1000 to buy when she has framed them. I would certainly frame your pictures Ranjana – they are too good to just laminate! Does Mrinal sell his work? I would love to own just one of his ballpoint pen sketches.

  7. I will check with Mrinal and share his email id with you.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.I'm honored.

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