Kinnala Dolls- looks like dolls with life

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13 Responses

  1. motidana says:

    Beautiful dolls! Such an informative post. Loved reading it !

  2. Those are such beautiful dolls dear..sure to tempt adults along with kids! Very informative post 🙂

  3. Quite interesting information about Kinnala dolls…awaking for your further post..

  4. Raj says:

    Those are some lovely dolls. So full of life. And very interesting to read their history too. You narrated it very adeptly. Looking forward to the post about your dolls. 🙂

  5. Simply beautiful. I love these dolls. Thanks for sharing Ranju! 🙂 <3

  6. Indrani says:

    I didn't know this different variety. There is more awareness for Chennapatna dolls.

  7. Well crafted dolls.

  8. Sri Kri says:

    Haven't heard about this doll.Thanks for sharing.Lovely dolls.looking forward for your post for doll made from clay.

    Sriram & Krithiga

  9. Nice to know about this. Though I had seen them before, I did not know their name.

  10. Ms Sharma says:

    Thank you for sharing this info. Though I heard about them, I did not know all this. Where can I buy them from? Any address in Bangalore?

    Ms Sharma from

  11. vinay kumar says:

    Can we buy it online

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