Mantapa Decoration for the arrival of Ganesha

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19 Responses

  1. Uma Anandane says:

    Lord Ganesha looks magnifique 🙂

  2. sury Siva says:

    Your dedication to perform this Great Ganesha Puja festival is really heartening.

    God Ganesha Bless U and your family.

    subbu thatha.

  3. Rajesh says:

    The mantappa is beautifully decorated.

  4. Athenas Take says:

    Surely he would be very happy and his blessing are surely with you. When he sees this kind of dedication he surely takes away all evil with a smile when he is immersed in water. Wish you a happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

  5. lively lawry says:

    Hi Ranjana,
    you are some wonderful collection of arts and crafts. i really liked your ganesha decoration with step by step pics! check my article on eco-friendly ganesha –

  6. Nice to see that you have decorated with such love & passion and devotion for Lord Ganesha. You will definitely receive his choicest blessings !

  7. The mantapa frame comes alive in the 2nd and third pics-and then of course the deity Himself .Beautiful.

  8. nice and colorful 🙂

  9. Saru Singhal says:

    Beautiful. You shared the pictures on fb too. Amazing work.

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