Suggi – A harvest folk dance

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10 Responses

  1. magiceye says:

    Fascinating. Hope it does not vanish!

  2. Indrani says:

    This is new to me. The pictures are good for documentary on this.

  3. so colorful & seems fun! too good! totally new & interesting!

  4. Preethi says:

    Lovely to see traditions.

  5. So beautiful and colourful post

  6. motidana says:

    Oh this is great . There is so much beauty and art in the celebration of all Indian festivals . Thanks for sharing this wonderful post 🙂

  7. nice, i like it 🙂

  8. I stumbled upon your blog by chance and it has proved to be a great source of information for Indian folk art and craft, something on which I am doing some research. Great job !

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