Craft fest I visited

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13 Responses

  1. mynascence says:

    This looks lovely Ranjana. Thank you for this post

  2. RajiSaj says:

    Very lovely..
    Ranjana, once u mentioned about a place where u can buy cotton clothes, rite?, which is that post? i couldnt find that…

  3. very nice pics Ranjana and you are so luck ,you attended the fest as I missed the chance.

  4. Beautiful Pics ……

  5. Rajesh says:

    You have captured beautifully the craft fest.

  6. wow…good

    Sreedev Soman @ KookyDom

  7. neelamhere says:

    Beautiful Ranjana. Good efforts you put.

  8. rupam sarma says:

    So nice post and awesome photographs.Thanks for sharing 🙂

  9. well- sculptured..

  10. Saru Singhal says:

    WOW! I wish I could be there and shop. 🙂

  11. Waoo.. what a huge nice verity of things..who crafter would not like to visit this beautiful place 🙂

  12. SUGANTHI says:

    I am sure you had a lovely time there. I wish I could have visited too ,so many things to admire and so many inspirations.

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